Saturday, 10 August 2013

Mok's SMiLE

Well, it seems I forgot about this one! Here's an essential Smile edit, which dates all the way back to 2001.

"This project consumed all of my free time for the spring of 2001. I started to feel very frustrated, and if I was getting down (without any pressure from a label or a demanding fan base), I could only imagine what Brian must have felt. Instead of going with the idea that I could 'finish' Smile, I went down another road. I felt that I was happy, for the most part, with listening to the bootlegs, but felt that too much was repetition and too much was of poor fidelity. So, I decided to make a 'Smile' that was listenable, of reasonably high fidelity, and in an order I find pleasing. I cut together all of the parts of the 'songs' that I loved hearing, in a way that satisfied me. It was also important to me to use only the original material and add no 'newly recorded' parts, as I feel the material can still stand on its own."
- Mok

Some more details from Ear Candy mag


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